Cast List
Thank you to everyone who auditioned for Into the Woods! Below is the cast list for this production.
If you are in the cast you will receive an invoice via email sometime this week. If you do not receive your invoice, check your spam or bulk mail folder, or you can log into our portal. Invoices are due to be paid on or before February 7.
Full Cast, Parents/Guardians of cast under 18, and those who signed up to serve on a Production Team will need to attend our Welcome/Info Night this Wednesday, January 29th from 6pm-8pm.
You will receive a lot of important information and have time to get to know your team- cast & production teams- during this time :)
Into the Woods Cast List
Abby Fordice - Cinderella’s Mother/Granny
Brooke Flood - Baker’s Wife
Christina Anderoni - Cinderella
Daniel Amaro - Cinderella’s Father/Ensemble*
Elisabeth Longacre - Snow White/Ensemble*
Emaline Aney - Sleeping Beauty/Ensemble*
Evan Aldrete - Baker
Holly Counts - Rapunzel
Hope Chinn - Little Red Riding Hood
Jarod Samuelson - Rapunzel’s Prince
Josh Tuttle - Narrator/Mysterious Man
Lisa O’Reilly - Witch
Loraena Tuttle - Cinderella’s Stepmother
Mary Dakin - Jack’s Mother
Maxine Nuesa - Jack
Ripley Massey - Steward
Sanjana Venkat - Florinda
Sophia Komarek - Lucinda
William Randles - Cinderella’s Prince/Wolf
*Ensemble to be included in: #1H Opening (Part VIII), #8 First Midnight, #12 Second Midnight, #15C Finale (Part IV), #26 Finale (Part I), #26B Finale (Part III), #26C Finale (Part IV) in addition to appearances of your named role.