Mainstage Productions

As a performing arts organization, we have a variety of ways to present the culmination of our collective talents. Our Mainstage Productions are the bellwether of what we do here and allow for all the pieces to be put together into an intentional and professional production. For those who are in our community already, it is usually the next step after taking classes for a season or two. It’s also an opportunity for newcomers who have some stage experience to join us for a show.

In addition to having a great time telling stories that are inspiring, exceptional, and compelling; it’s also a fantastic way to make friends for a lifetime. We truly believe in community here and aim to set our performers, technicians, and families up for a remarkable experience in accomplishing something that is bigger than ourselves. We typically do three Mainstage Musical Productions a year and one Mainstage Play. Check out the link below to see what we’re currently producing and how you can come and see or be involved in. Stay tuned for announcements of future shows!

The best way to keep up with the happenings at Lovegood is to sign up for our mailing list. We will notify you whenever registration is open and whenever tickets go on sale.

Mainstage Musical Auditions/Tech:

Winter/Spring Musical: Diary of a Wimpy Kid The Musical

Auditions open for ages 8+
Crew open for ages 12+

Auditions/Callbacks: Week of March 11

Rehearsals: Starting April 8

Tech Week: May 19 - May 22

Performances: May 23 -June 1


Get Your Tickets for Into the Woods HERE

Presenting Sponsor

A giant thank you to our presenting sponsor: Andrew Misk with The Agency Portland!

Thank you to our annual show sponsors who together make our shows possible!

Lighthouse Sponsors:

Limelight Sponsors:

Mainstage Play Auditions

We do not have a play during Winter Season. Join our mailing list to be notified when whenever a new season/audition launches.