Mainstage Productions

As a performing arts organization, we have a variety of ways to present the culmination of our collective talents. Our Mainstage Productions are the bellwether of what we do here and allow for all the pieces to be put together into an intentional and professional production. For those who are in our community already, it is usually the next step after taking classes for a season or two. It’s also an opportunity for newcomers who have some stage experience to join us for a show.

In addition to having a great time telling stories that are inspiring, exceptional, and compelling; it’s also a fantastic way to make friends for a lifetime. We truly believe in community here and aim to set our performers, technicians, and families up for a remarkable experience in accomplishing something that is bigger than ourselves. We do three Mainstage Musical Productions a year and one Mainstage Play. Check out the link below to see what we’re currently producing and how you can come and see or be involved in. If you are an adult over the age of 22, you have two opportunities a year to join us for our all age 8+ Mainstage Musicals in Fall and Summer, and our all age 12+ Mainstage Play in Spring. Stay tuned for announcements of future shows!

The best way to keep up with the happenings at Lovegood is to sign up for our mailing list. We will notify you whenever registration is open and whenever tickets go on sale.


Who in the world decided playing was just for children? That at a certain age responsibility must take its place? Play defines the joy of childhood and we let responsibility define "what it means to be an adult." With this "one or the other" mindset, our lives will lack the balance we need to be healthy, no matter our age. All work and no play can plunge us into misery, feeling as if we are always carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders. However, too much play and the neglect of responsibility in our lives can lead to chaos and losing what and who we hold dear.

Peter Pan tells us the story of Wendy, the girl who wants to grow up too fast, and Peter, the boy who wants to never grow up. Throughout the play these two extreme attitudes exemplify the need for balance of play and responsibility. We see Wendy attempt to be responsible for everyone and everything, doing so in the manner of her tightly buttoned up role models, Mr. & Mrs. Darling. In spite of the fun and freedom from his play and games, Peter is alone and floating in the world without anyone to support him. He puts on a false air of apathy and nonchalance for anything beyond his frolicking about, and ends up driving Wendy and his friends away.

There have been many studies that advocate for play based learning for kids and show the importance of play at any age and stage in our lives. Despite that evidence, we as adults tend to overcrowd our lives with responsibility. The moment we think about "taking that dance class just for fun" or "learning to do parkour just for the heck of it," our inner critic shuts it down with all the things you "should" be doing as a responsible adult. However, finding a balance of the two is what creates both joy and a fulfilling life. 

My plea to you is this: come, sit with us for a while, watch these students embody the characters in this timeless tale and let them remind you how to play. We hope you leave with a smile on your face and hope in your heart; hope for a future with a little more laughter, a little more empathy, a lot more play.

Performance: Saturday, May 25 4pm. Get your tickets today!

Peter Pan

by J.M. Barrie

”PETER PAN” is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on 

behalf of Samuel French, Inc.

Mainstage Musical Auditions/Tech:

Hello Lovegood community! The time has come for another summer musical adventure. We don’t want you and your family to miss this amazing opportunity for growth and exploration. Finally, some of the old skills you’ve put aside or ones that you have been honing can come to life on stage with the show Tuck Everlasting.

““Tuck Everlasting” rings a variation on the fountain of youth myth, ultimately asking what life would mean if it never ended, and whether a never-ending life would be worth living.” -NYT

This show is going to be a great one to audition as it has an array of different characters, dynamic music and explosive group numbers.
We love to tell compelling and colorful stories here at Lovegood and you will want to be apart of this… See you at auditions!

Join us this Summer for our Summer All Ages 8+ Mainstage Production, Tuck Everlasting. Audition Registration must be complete by May 28 and auditions will be held by appointment only on May 29. Go to the Audition Callboard for more information or to register.

Mainstage Play Auditions

We have already cast our Spring Mainstage Play, Peter Pan. Join our mailing list to be notified when whenever a new season/audition launches.


A giant thank you to our presenting sponsor: Legacy-GoHealth Urgent Care!

And our annual show sponsors who together make our shows possible!