Daily Camp Checklist
Students should arrive prepared each camp day with the following items:
Bag/Backpack - Please have your student bring a small bag/backpack, clearly labeled with their name, to keep all their stuff in during the day.
Water Bottle - Please ensure that your student brings a filled water bottle each day, clearly labeled with their name. There are no water fountains available, however students will be able to refill their water bottle throughout the day from the kitchen sink and/or water coolers stationed throughout the building.
Lunch & Snacks - Please pack some quick (easy to grab and eat) snacks, as well as a sack lunch each day.
Sunscreen - Providing the weather cooperates, there may be times throughout the day that we will be holding camp activities outdoors. Please plan accordingly with sunscreen, hats, etc. Please apply sunscreen to your student before they arrive to camp. We will not allow sharing of sunscreen.
Script - Students will receive their script on the first day of camp. The script will be theirs to keep, so they may use pencil, pen, highlighters etc. to mark their parts.
Sharpened pencil - Students may be asked to make blocking notes in their script. While we do have pencils available, we encourage students to come prepared with one in their bag. We are training students up to be successful cast members for a Mainstage production at Lovegood.
Comfortable clothing that students can move around in. Please review our dress policy here: DRESS POLICY. Students will be moving around a lot during the day. Please ensure that your student’s outfit keeps them covered at all times, even when bending over or stretching. Closed-toed Shoes are required, no sandals or flip-flops please.