Saturday 27th Plan!
Hello, Wonderful Humans!
It’s so exciting to see this show really coming together. This Saturday is going to be HUGE for us. Here is the schedule and what you need to do to prepare yourself.
First we will have a vocal rehearsal.
Then we will do Sitz Probe (where everyone sings through the whole show with the accompanist for the first time).
We will have lunch.
We will get into our costumes.
We will go through the entire show with crew, scene changes, props, costume changes, sets, allll the things with a focus on all things tech.
I need you to come with your hair and makeup done and your unders on! Also bring your showbox (if you didn’t bring it on Friday) so you’ll be able to put your makeup in there and any touch up things you need.
If you didn’t see the showbox post check out that video HERE
I know this is unusual; however, it’s also EXCITING, because we will be shooting a promotional video with everyone in costume looking amazing!
Please let me know if you have any questions.
-Brooke <3