Viewing Partay! Saturday, November 30th
Hello Beauty & the Beast Cast & Crew!
Join us for a screening of the recording of the show on Saturday, November 30th at 1pm-4pm at Lovegood!
*This is for cast & crew members only (sorry, no family members)*
If you would like to bring a snack to share (or for yourself) to enjoy while viewing the show you are welcome to do so :)
Bring your playbill for signatures!
If you would like to purchase a media package, you may do that at this partay.
PS. Parents- please check your students show boxes for a jazz shoe and/or black character shoe that may have gone home with you by mistake. We’re hoping this was an accident and not a costly prank; it seems these shoes were directly taken from someone’s showbox when they went missing. We would like to get them back before they have to go buy 2 new pairs of shoes. Please do this with your own eyeballs and do not rely on your students since we’ve already asked them. Thank you!
<3- B