Registration | Scholarships | Billing

Register for Spring Break camp by March 14 for our best prices. Registration for Spring Break camp will remain open until March 24 or until camp is full.

Register for Spring Classes by March 21 for our best prices. Spring Registration will remain open until April 10 or until classes fill.

Register for Summer Camps by June 5 for our best prices.

Below you will find our payment policies, information about our scholarship programs, and instructions for registering for classes.

Once you have reviewed the options below, if none apply to you, please register at the bottom of the page.

Automatic Multi-Participation Scholarship

We offer an automatic multi-participation scholarship for families who have multiple class, camp and show participation in the same season* on the same invoice. If you wish to add additional participation in the same season after your invoice has been generated, you will need to fill out the Registration Exception Form to receive the correct automatic multi-participation scholarship.

Our TOP participations, and any participation with an early bird price less than $225 do not qualify for the multi-participation scholarship.

Need-Based Scholarship

Money should never be a reason for a student not to participate in Lovegood. If finance is a barrier to participation, fill out our Financial Assistance Request (“FAR”) form for the appropriate season to ask for a need-based scholarship.

It is helpful, though not required, for you to also register for our portal (if you haven’t already done so). Do not enroll in classes after registering for you account and adding your students, as self enrollment requires full payment to process.

Service Scholarship

Our Service Scholarship of 20% of your total tuition is available to any household that has a primary income source from one of these professions:

  • Education - preschool through high school

  • Military

  • Ministry

  • Any position in a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization

We want to recognize these service professions and the impact they make in our community.

First, you will need to register for our portal (if you haven’t already done so). Once you register, do not add classes in the portal. Rather you will need to fill out our Registration Exception Form.

Payment Plans

If you self register through the portal, it will require up front payment. If you would prefer a monthly payment plan, fill out our Registration Exception Form.

Background Check Fee

Any student aged 18+ who does not have a current background check on file with Lovegood, will be required to consent to and pass a background check prior to class starting.  There is a separate $25 fee payable directly to the background check provider due at the time of consent. 

Background checks expire after 2 years.

Registration Exception Form

Use the Registration Exception Form, rather than registering for classes in the portal, if you are over age 100, to use a gift certificate, if you are adding a class after receiving an invoice for this season, if you are requesting a payment plan, or if you are applying for a Service Scholarship. In addition to filling out the Registration Exception Form, if you don’t already have an account in our portal, you will also need to register for our portal.

Billing and Payment Policies

Unless we cancel a class or camp based on failing to meet minimum enrollment, we do not offer refunds. All tuition and fees must be paid at registration unless you request a payment plan.

Unless you have made arrangements for a payment plan, we require all classes, camps, and workshops to be paid in full at the time of registration, and all show tuition to be paid the day before the first rehearsal. All payment plans must be complete before the performance date. Because our billing is monthly, this means that summer camps must be paid in full prior to the first day, even on a payment plan.

We understand that sometimes circumstances change. If you need to drop a class, camp or workshop up to two weeks prior to the class, camp or workshop starting, you will receive a credit good for future classes or camps for any amounts paid. Unless we cancel a class because we fail to meet our minimum enrollment, we do not issue refunds. We also do not issue credits for dropping a class, camp or workshop after the date that is 2 weeks before the start of the class, camp or workshop.

Registration through the Portal

If your family has already registered for a portal account, simply log in to your portal account and add the classes you wish to register for. You will then be prompted for payment.

If your family has never registered for our portal, simply click Register on the log in page and once you have registered, you will be able to select classes for your student and you will be prompted for payment. If you were referred to us by an existing Lovegood student or parent, be sure to put that student or parent’s name under Additional Information in the box labeled “Were you referred to Lovegood by Another Lovegood Family or Student? If so, who referred you?” We will credit your family’s account with a $50 credit toward your second Lovegood season AND we will credit the referring family $50 toward their next registration.

Before we send you over to our portal, we wanted to make you aware that we have started our Theatre Outreach Program (TOP), where Lovegood puts on classes and/or shows in cooperation with local schools, homeschool groups, etc. Unfortunately the portal will show you our TOP classes, even if you do not attend that school. Please do not register for a class with Theatre Outreach Program in the title, unless you attend that school and heard about it there. If you are interested in learning about our TOP program, email

Presenting Sponsor

A giant thank you to our presenting sponsor: Andrew Misk with The Agency Portland!