What to Prepare and Bring to Your Audition

Please make sure you have completed all required forms and either made an appointment or submitted your virtual audition materials on or before 11:59 pm January 23rd We know there is a lot of stuff to prepare and bring with you to auditions. Please reach out if you need help or have questions!

Song Selection

We want you to be comfortable at auditions!  If you have a musical theatre song that is in the style/range of the character(s) that you will be auditioning for, then PLEASE audition with that song. The best choice is a song that reflects the style of the show! Example: If you are auditioning for Fiddler on the Roof, you would choose a song from a different Golden Age Broadway Musical, not a contemporary song from something like School of Rock. However, always do what makes you feel the most confident!

  • Prepare 32 bars of any musical theatre song (Note this is different from some of our shows where we have asked for only 16 bars). This should be approximately 1 minute long.

    • In person auditions are preferred. Here are the details for an in person audition:

      • Bring sheet music that is clearly marked with your audition cut and be sure that your music is in the correct key as our accompanist will not transpose on the spot

      • Learn more about this process HERE (This video refers to Seussical auditions, but the process is the same, except we are asking for 32 bars rather than 16)

      • For a Sheet Music Example click HERE

    • Virtual Auditions will be allowed for students who are not in town on January 24th. Check out our Virtual Audition page to learn how virtual auditions are different from in person auditions.

  • A cappella music will not be considered for an audition

Audition Monologue

Please choose one of the following to present as a spoken monologue at your audition (yes, these are lyrics; we want to see acting/speaking). This does not need to be memorized for your audition; copies will be available for reference at auditions.

pg. 13 START “In the past…” END “We’ll call it square”

pg. 58 START Beginning of #9 END “Not till the sky”

pg. 66 START Beginning of #10 END “If there only were doors”

pg. 90 START Beginning of #13 END “Cause you’re starting to stick”

Note: Choose which monologue you feel you can deliver with the most dynamic acting, not necessarily based on character (for example, even if your top choice is Little Red, you may choose to pick the excerpt from “Agony” as your monologue.)

What to Wear

Wear clothes that are professional, comfortable, and that you can move easily in. Please keep your hair tied back away from your face. If you are clean, comfortable and looking your best, you are ready to go!  We will be taking a head shot of you when you arrive.

What to Bring

SHEET MUSIC: bring your sheet music with your audition cut in the correct key that you'll be singing. See the Song Selection section above for more information.


Callbacks: Callbacks will be by invitation only. You may receive an invitation for less than the full time outlined below. The Callback List will be posted to the Audition Callboard following auditions on January 24th. Not receiving a callback invitation does not mean you are not cast in the show. Callbacks will be January 25th and 18 between the hours of 9am-2pm

If you are not on the Callback List, you may still have been cast in the show! Check the Cast List when it is posted on January 27th by 4pm.

Closed Auditions and Callbacks

Auditions and Callbacks will be closed.

  • Auditions will be closed. Students will need to leave when their audition is completed.

  • All Callbacks will be closed and there will be no waiting room for parents/guardians. Students who receive a partial callback will need to leave at the end of their callback time.


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