Performance Call Times
Hello beautiful humans! Below are call times for performances. These have been determined based on how long we have noticed you need to get ready this week, actors with mics, and family members.
These are intentionally staggered for the pre-show flow, so please arrive at your calltime, not before…or after ;) (this is the one instance when 5 minutes early is not on time lol)
For Saturdays, please plan to pack plenty of food and drink for yourself for between shows as you won’t be able to leave the theater between shows. We will set up both a community space and a chill out quiet space for you between shows so you can recharge the best way for you!
Cast & Crew Call Times:
5:00 - CREW, Blythe, Rachel, Lisa, Holly, Lily, Sabrina, Francesca, Gillian, Heather, Claire, Maddie, Sophia RDS
5:15 - Mike, Chris, Cody, Daniel, Emma, Emily, Sofia C, Ben, Bonnie, Harlow, Kaylin
5:30 - Kaci, Sanjana, Caitlin, Leila, Sofia R, Megan, Ethan, Marian, Tom, Katherine
11:00 - CREW, Blythe, Rachel, Lisa, Holly, Lily, Sabrina, Francesca, Gillian, Heather, Claire, Maddie, Sophia RDS
11:15 - Mike, Chris, Cody, Daniel, Emma, Emily, Sofia C, Ben, Bonnie, Harlow
11:30 - Kaylin, Kaci, Sanjana, Caitlin, Leila, Sofia R, Megan, Ethan, Marian, Tom, Katherine
2:00 - CREW, Blythe, Rachel, Lisa, Holly, Lily, Sabrina, Francesca, Gillian, Heather, Claire, Maddie, Sophia RDS
2:15 - Mike, Chris, Cody, Daniel, Emma, Emily, Sofia C, Ben, Bonnie, Harlow
2:30 - Kaylin, Kaci, Sanjana, Caitlin, Leila, Sofia R, Megan, Ethan, Marian, Tom, Katherine
We’re so excited for a great show run! See you all tonight!
Tech Week!
Hello Beautiful Cast & Crew!
Reminder that rehearsals this week are 5pm to 9:20pm. Riley emailed those of you who will be wearing mics- it would be great if you’re able to arrive at so we can get rolling on that process asap!
Please arrive with your hair and makeup done and follow the arrival and dismissal procedure outlined here: Arrival & Dismissal for Tech Week
We’re so excited for a great week of rehearsals and for everything to come together for our audience this weekend!
Stay hydrated and fueled up!
Show Boxes!
Hi! It’s Grace!
Brooke made a fabulous video to tell you all about showboxes- what to do and what not to do for a successful showbox setup. I’m leaking it for you all here, hot off the presses!
Be sure to watch the entire thing, and soon before she catches me! Eeek! ;)
Please bring your showboxes to Lovegood this weekend. You can drop off your showbox this Friday the 19th or Saturday Morning at the latest. It’s okay if you don’t have everything for it yet, we will just need it to make the greenroom space!
Remember you’ll need a little bag/box to bring your makeup back and forth from home to the theater. I always have my main hair stuff at home, and a touch up supply in my show box.
P.S. Keep up the hard work of practicing at home, sleep and hydrate :)
Thanks! Go team!
Books Needed!
Hi everyone!
If you have a neglected copy of Natalie Babbitt’s Tuck Everlasting hanging around that you no longer need and would love to donate to our set designer, please bring it to rehearsal this weekend. These books will be deconstructed and the pages will become a part of our set!…that being said, don’t expect to get the book back ;) and thanks for being a part of the magic!
Unders, Socks & Such
TUCK Unders, Tights, Nylons, Socks assignments:
Please provide the following for your character(s) by this Saturday if possible. If you need a little more time, that's ok too! Just bring what you have ready this Saturday (including shoes). Thank you!
Many of the characters wear white shirts. We are asking that your shirt unders be nude please! Short unders should be a darker color though (black...especially if you are doing a cartwheel in a skirt!) If you are wearing a dress (that might be a bit sheer), short unders should be nude! Please ask Danielle and Christy if you are not sure what color short unders you should wear.
(Sofia C., go ahead and stick to the unders we already discussed.)
Male Characters
Please wear comfy socks (that are hidden by your boots and pants).
Female Characters
If wearing boots, please wear tights that match the color of your boots.
If wearing character shoes, please wear nude nylons.
Kaci and Kaylin, please also wear bright purple tights with your carnival costume.
Sanjana and Sofia C., please also wear orange tights with your carnival costume.
Emily, please also wear purple tights with your carnival costume.
Emma, for now, please wear nude nylons with your carnival costume. We may tweak this to colorful tights later on. TBD.
Thank you so much, and please reach out to Danielle and Christy if you have any questions!
Shoe Assignments
Please let us know if you are having trouble finding shoes, or have any questions. :)