Playbill Congrat Ad Reminder

DEADLINE EXTENDED! It’s not too late to get your ad placed!

Anyone may place a Congrat Ad in our Playbill, it’s not just for our Cast and Crew families. This is a great opportunity for out of town family members and friends who may not be able to attend a show, to support you and the show!

What is a Congrat Ad, you may ask? Great question! It’s a special message (Congratulations, Thank you or Appreciation) to a Cast, Crew, Artistic Team, Production Team, Staff, friend or family member that will appear on one of the pages in the Playbill. You may find out all the details and place your order HERE.

  • Congrat Ads are $25 each.

  • Each Congrat Ad allows up to 250 characters, which is a pretty lengthy message.

  • Each Congrat Ad recipient will receive a hard copy of the Playbill.

    • NOTE: Only (1) Playbill will be offered per message.

  • Show Families: Please plan to pay in person via cash or credit card during rehearsal drop off or pick up times up until the deadline.

  • Out of town folks: Please submit your Congrat Ad via the form. You will be emailed an invoice.

  • Prompt payment is appreciated. All balances must be paid in full before we go to print in order for your Congrat Ad to be included in the Playbill.

DEADLINE: Friday, July 26th by 5pm

QUESTIONS: Please direct any Congrat Ad questions to Amy Bowman

  • Email:

  • Phone: 503-482-9323


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