Show T-Shirts
Our Tuck Everlasting T-Shirts are available to order. Click HERE for a peak of the shirt design.
Tuck Everlasting Logo will appear in large print on the front of the shirt.
Lovegood Logo will appear in small print on the back of the shirt, above the names.
T-Shirts are $30 each.
Color and Size Options:
ADULT SIZES: Adult Small - 6XL
YOUTH SIZES: Youth XS, Youth M, Youth L, Youth XL
You may place your order in person with Brooke or Riley during drop off and pick up at rehearsals.
Payment is due at the time of your order via Cash or Credit Card.
This is completely optional! Please note that we do not order extras for purchase at a later date. If you want a T-shirt you need to order it now!
DEADLINE: Saturday, July 27th by 4pm