Playbill Congrat Ads
Anyone may place a Congrat Ad in our Playbill, it’s not just for our Cast and Crew families. This is a great opportunity for out of town family members and friends who may not be able to attend a show, to support you and the show!
What is a Congrat Ad, you may ask? Great question! It’s a special message (Congratulations, Thank you or Appreciation) to a Cast, Crew, Artistic Team, Production Team, Staff, friend or family member that will appear on one of the pages in the Playbill. You may find out all the details and place your order HERE.
Congrat Ads are $25 each.
Each Congrat Ad allows up to 250 characters, which is a pretty lengthy message.
Each Congrat Ad recipient will receive a hard copy of the Playbill.
NOTE: Only (1) Playbill will be offered per message.
Show Families: Please plan to pay in person via cash or credit card during rehearsal drop off or pick up times up until the deadline.
Out of town folks: Please submit your Congrat Ad via the form. You will be emailed an invoice.
Prompt payment is appreciated. All balances must be paid in full before we go to print in order for your Congrat Ad to be included in the Playbill.
DEADLINE: Wednesday, July 17th by 9pm
QUESTIONS: Please direct any Congrat Ad questions to Amy Bowman
Phone: 503-482-9323
Playbill Bios
Everyone on Cast and Crew will receive a Bio in our Playbill! Please read and follow the instructions carefully, otherwise we spend a lot of precious time trying to fix things. Thank you!
HERE is the link to upload your Playbill Bio.
DEADLINE: Saturday, June 29th by 9pm
Invoice Reminder
Hi All! This is just a reminder from your friendly neighborhood business manager that unless you have made arrangements for a payment plan (by filling out our Registration Exception Form which can be found on our Registration page) invoices for your show participation are due to be paid on or before today. So if you haven’t paid your show invoice, please take care of that today.
Thank you again for choosing to spend your summer with us!
Rehearsal Tracks: ROCS ShowReady
Everyone in the cast will have access to our rehearsal tracks to practice with via ROCS ShowReady.
You can download & access the application on a computer or mobile device:
Download Show|Ready™ for Mac or PC
Once you’ve downloaded the application, sign in using the access code from the Welcome Packet. If you’ve lost the code, email
If you’ve never used this application before, or need a refresher on the ins and outs, check out the ROCS ShowReady Tips! (tips shown are for the computer version; mobile version has less control/options but has similar looking buttons)
So It Begins…
Hello Beautiful Humans!
I’m so excited to get started on this production! Below are important details for this week as we jump into rehearsals with both feet:
Welcome & Info Night, Tuesday June 11th, 6pm-9pm @ Portland Dance Center
Everyone is called to this: cast, crew, serving on production team, parent/guardian of someone under 18 in show.
We will be meeting at 6pm at Portland Dance Center, 15320 NW Central Dr D-4, Portland, OR 97229
They have NO CHAIRS so please bring yourself a camping chair or email if you don’t own one and need one brought for you.
Please bring your calendars, an open mind and happy heart. :)
If you have trouble finding Portland Dance Center look for the Lovegood sign with star balloons by a weird alcove (not street side).
Rehearsal Schedule for June 13-15
You will receive the full rehearsal schedule/detail at the meeting tomorrow. Here is the schedule for this weekend: Rehearsal Schedule June 13-15
All rehearsals this weekend will be at Portland Dance Center, 15320 NW Central Dr D-4, Portland, OR 97229.
*All other future rehearsals will be back home at Lovegood :)
Cast List
Full Ensemble: “Essence of Life”
This ensemble weaves through the storyline moving it forward and serves as the audiences lense into what it means to be human.
Essence of Life is in: #1 Opening, #2 Live Like This, #2A Live Like This (Playoff), #6 Top of the World, #12 Partner in Crime, #12A Partner in Crime (Part 2), #14 End of Act 1, #21 The Wheel, #24 The Story of Winnie Foster, #25 The Wheel (Reprise), #26 Bows.
Ben Goff
Bonnie Goff
Caitlin Barry
Claire McClish
Emily Burkett
Emma Lindley
Ethan Harris
Francesca Bennett
Harlow Brown
Heather Yi
Kaci Bowman
Katherine Ferry
Kaylin Evans
Leila Simon
Lily Counts
Maddie Coudriet
Marian Johnson
Megan McGrory
Sanjana Venkat
Sofia Cook
Sofia Richardson
Sophia Robey-DeSpain
Thomas Fielden
Carnival Company
This ensemble is The Man in The Yellow Suit associates.
Carnival Company are in: #4 Join the Parade, #10A Beautiful Day (Part 2), #11 Join the Parade (Reprise), #12 Partner in Crime, #12A Partner in Crime (Part 2), #16 Everything's Golden, #16A Everything's Golden (Part 2)
Bonnie Goff
Claire McClish
Emily Burkett
Emma Lindley
Heather Yi
Kaci Bowman
Kaylin Evans
Maddie Coudriet
Sofia Cook
Sanjana Venkat
Winnie Foster - Sabrina Bennett
Mother - Lisa O'Reilly
Nana - Gillian Dyall
Jesse Tuck - Cody Burkett
Miles Tuck - Daniel Eremeyeff
Mae Tuck - Holly Counts
Angus Tuck - Chris Evans
Thomas Tuck - Sofia Richardson
Miles' Wife - Claire McClish
Constable Joe - Rachel Wolverton
Hugo - Blythe Wolverton
Man in the Yellow Suit - Mike Bouck
Carny 1 - Bonnie Goff
Carny 2 - Ben Goff
Artistic Team
The Artistic team for Tuck Everlasting will include:
Director: Grace Thompson
Vocal Director: Josh Pounders
Choreographer: Charlotte Bryan
Production Manager: Brooke Flood