Rehearsals Grace Thompson Rehearsals Grace Thompson

Tech/Dress Rehearsal Details

Hello Beautiful Gala Cast!

I can’t believe the Gala is just 9 days away! We got this! I’m so excited to see everything come together!

Below are important details for next week:

  • Tech rehearsals are scheduled Wednesday 12/6, Thursday 12/7 and Friday 12/8 from 5pm-9pm.

  • Please arrive with your unders on underneath your clothes and with your hair and makeup done. (Everyone will need basic stage makeup and hair styled away from the face. If you know you wear a hat in the performance, please style your hair accordingly).

  • Enter through the MPR door (Lovegood’s main door); we will gather upstairs in the sanctuary.

  • Everyone will need a method to keep personal belongings, any additional costumes, water, etc. contained and tidy backstage. This could be a small plastic tub (“show box”), cardboard box, or large bag.

  • We will stage “You’ll Never Walk Alone” on Wednesday :)

  • An FYI, on Thursday we are hoping to have a photographer on site to capture some lovely action shots of the performance.

If you have any questions, please let me know!


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Rehearsals Grace Thompson Rehearsals Grace Thompson

Full Company Vocal Resources

Hello Gala friends! We have wrapped up The SpongeBob Musical here at Lovegood and are now in full Gala focus! I’m so excited to dive into rehearsals with you all in the coming weeks!

Here is sheet music & a track for our finale number, “You’ll Never Walk Alone”.

Here is sheet music for “Put On Your Sunday Clothes”

Here is the track and rehearsal videos for “Put On Your Sunday Clothes”

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Rehearsals, Scheduling Grace Thompson Rehearsals, Scheduling Grace Thompson

Rehearsal Schedule Detail

Hello! Below you will find the gala rehearsal schedule detail. Please email Grace if you have any questions:

With the exception of the full company vocal rehearsal, time will be largely focused on choreography & blocking when we’re together for times’ sake. It will be greatly beneficial if you can come to these rehearsals being familiar with your vocals so we can hit the ground running. Sheet music will be provided to you ahead of rehearsals via the callboard.
As with any production, it will be necessary that you put work into rehearsing your numbers on your own time after you have worked with Grace. 

 * denotes we’re aware of your conflict (but your name is listed because you’re in the number)

Wednesday, October 11th

5pm-9pm, Steam Heat (Asia Lavay, Blythe Wolverton, Daniel Eremeyeff)

Wednesday, November 8th

6pm-7:30pm, Where Is Love? + Narration (Sabrina Bennett)

7:30pm-9pm, Something’s Coming (Daniel Amaro)

Wednesday, November 15th

5pm-6:30pm, Adelaide’s Lament (Kaci Bowman)

6:30pm-9pm, Full Company Vocals, (Asia Lavay, Blythe Wolverton, Claire McClish*, Daniel Amaro, Daniel Eremeyeff, Elodin Stafford, Emma Lindley, Jennifer Horton, Kaci Bowman, Kim Daily*, Lisa O'Reilly, Rachel Wolverton, Sabrina Bennett, Sanjana Venkat)

Saturday, November 18th

3pm-7pm, Put On Your Sunday Clothes, (Asia Lavay, Blythe Wolverton, Claire McClish, Daniel Amaro, Daniel Eremeyeff, Elodin Stafford, Emma Lindley, Jennifer Horton, Kaci Bowman, Kim Daily, Lisa O'Reilly, Rachel Wolverton, Sabrina Bennett, Sanjana Venkat)

Saturday, November 25th

3pm-5pm, Together Wherever We Go, (Crosby Daily, Elizabeth Daily, Elodin Stafford, Ivy Aldrete, Kim Daily, William Phillips)

5pm-7pm, Been A Long Day, (Claire McClish, Daniel Eremeyeff, Emma Lindley)

Wednesday, November 29th

5pm-6pm, Narration/Transition Scenes, (Sabrina Bennett & Sanjana Venkat)

6pm-7pm, You’re Just In Love, (Blythe & Rachel Wolverton)

7pm-9pm, Steam Heat Review & Run, (Asia Lavay, Blythe Wolverton, Daniel Eremeyeff)

Tuesday, December 5th

5pm-9pm, Dry Tech (Director/Crew/Accompaniment Only)

Wednesday, December 6th; Thursday, December 7th;  Friday, December 8th

5pm-9pm, Tech/Dress Rehearsal (Full company: Asia Lavay, Blythe Wolverton, Brooke Flood, Claire McClish, Crosby Daily, Daniel Amaro, Daniel Eremeyeff, Elizabeth Daily, Elodin Stafford, Emma Lindley, Grace Thompson, Ivy Aldrete, Jennifer Horton, Kaci Bowman, Kim Daily, Lisa O'Reilly, Rachel Wolverton, Sabrina Bennett, Sanjana Venkat, William Phillips)

Full costume, hair & makeup.

Saturday, December 9th

7pm Gala Performance

Call times will be communicated by December 2nd.

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