Class Information
Welcome to TOP @ FBCS! We are thrilled to introduce an extension of Lovegood to the community at Faith Bible Christian School. If you are a current Faith Bible Christian School student in 6th - 12th grade, you may register for this class.
We will be tackling things from the inside out: the fine points of acting, analyzing a script and character, singing and vocal characterization as well as movement and dance to strengthen you for any situation or role.
If you want to be a strong competitor in acting, voice and dance, this is where you need to be!
Registration Fee - $60
0.50 Drama Credit earned - This will count towards a whole drama elective credit
Spring Musical - This will prepare you for the FBCS Spring 2024 Musical
Mondays or Tuesdays after school from 3:30pm - 5pm
Classes will take place on FBHS campus
Starts on Monday, Nov. 13th
Performance Showcase on Monday, Jan. 22nd
This performance will take place on FBHS campus
Students are expected to follow Faith Bible’s Code of Conduct and Dress Policy while taking this class.
Be ready to start on time!
Riley will be respectful of your time, please be respectful of hers!
Please plan ahead if you need time to change, grab a snack, etc…after school and before class starts.
Plan to allocate time outside of this class each week to work on your assignments.
Any information that you may need outside of what is provided to you during class will be posted on this Callboard.
Some materials (music tracks, scripts, choreography videos) may be posted on a secure page on this Callboard. You will need a password to access this information which will be provided to you in class and/or via email.
If you have any questions about this class, feel free to email us at
Welcome to registration for TOP at FBCS!
If you have never taken a class with Lovegood before, please register for our portal. Once you have registered, you will need to enroll your student in the Theatre Outreach Program @ FBCS and pay the enrollment fee of $60.
If you have previously taken a class with Lovegood, Welcome Back! Log into your portal account, and enroll in Theatre Outreach Program @ FBCS and pay the enrollment fee of $60.
If you have any technical difficulties, email, or call (503) 278-5898.
Welcome to Lovegood’s Theatre Outreach Program at Faith Bible (TOP-FBCS for short). You have found the callboard! For those of you new to theater, the Callboard is the place where we will post important announcements, and other information you need to know. All information you need to know will be posted here. If you would like to receive automatic emails whenever the Callboard is updated, you can sign up for our mailing list. Anyone who has registered for the TOP-FBCS class and is on our mailing list will get one email each day that the Callboard is updated.