Amazing Show Info! Grace Thompson Amazing Show Info! Grace Thompson

Viewing Partay! Saturday, November 30th

Hello Beauty & the Beast Cast & Crew!

Join us for a screening of the recording of the show on Saturday, November 30th at 1pm-4pm at Lovegood!

*This is for cast & crew members only (sorry, no family members)*

  • If you would like to bring a snack to share (or for yourself) to enjoy while viewing the show you are welcome to do so :)

  • Bring your playbill for signatures!

  • If you would like to purchase a media package, you may do that at this partay.

PS. Parents- please check your students show boxes for a jazz shoe and/or black character shoe that may have gone home with you by mistake. We’re hoping this was an accident and not a costly prank; it seems these shoes were directly taken from someone’s showbox when they went missing. We would like to get them back before they have to go buy 2 new pairs of shoes. Please do this with your own eyeballs and do not rely on your students since we’ve already asked them. Thank you!

<3- B

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Grace Thompson Grace Thompson

Friendsgiving Saturday, November 16th

Join us for a fun "friends-giving" event!

Lovegood students and community ages 12+ are invited to join us for Lovegood Youth Leadership's Friendsgiving event on Saturday, November 16th from 6pm-8pm at Lovegood.

There will be food, board/card games, puzzles, music and maybe even some hand-turkey crafting!

This is a potluck style event; please rsvp to the event by signing up to contribute to the feast! 

RSVP for Friendsgiving!

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Upcoming Deadline amy bowman Upcoming Deadline amy bowman

Media Packages Available!

Order your show media package this Sunday, Nov. 10th!

The extremely talented David Lim has captured lots of amazing footage of this show, via photos and video. We have secured a license under our royalties to create and sell a video of this performance, which is not always the case. This opportunity is open to Cast and Crew students/families ONLY and is optional! If you purchase a media package, you will be provided with a Dropbox link sometime in early December.


  • Photo package only: $20 You’ll have access to all the photos that were taken during the show process.

  • Video package only: $25 You’ll have access to the Dress Rehearsal and Understudy performance video.

  • Combo package: $30 You’ll have access to both packages, as defined above.


  • Place your order with Amy Bowman (a.k.a. Mama Bo) on Sunday, Nov. 10th. She will be available during Call Times in the office, after the show in the lobby and during the Strike Party in the lobby. She will be the only one taking these orders.

  • Cash and Credit Cards accepted.

  • When ordering, please be prepared with the Cast or Crew member’s name and the appropriate email address for the link to be shared.

  • It’s only necessary for (1) order per student/family.

Have a fantastic Closing Weekend!

~ Mama Bo

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Get Show Ready Grace Thompson Get Show Ready Grace Thompson

Performance Call Times

Hello beautiful humans! Below are call times for performances. These have been determined based on how long we have noticed you need to get ready this week, actors with mics, and family members.

These are intentionally staggered for the pre-show flow, so please arrive at your calltime, not before…or after ;) (this is the one instance when 5 minutes early is not on time lol)

For Saturdays, please plan to pack plenty of food and drink for yourself for between shows as you won’t be able to leave the theater between shows. We will set up both a community space and a chill out quiet space for you between shows so you can recharge the best way for you!

Cast & Crew Call Times:


5:00 - CREW, Blythe, Rachel, Lisa, Holly, Lily, Sabrina, Francesca, Gillian, Heather, Claire, Maddie, Sophia RDS

5:15 - Mike, Chris, Cody, Daniel, Emma, Emily, Sofia C, Ben, Bonnie, Harlow, Kaylin

5:30 - Kaci, Sanjana, Caitlin, Leila, Sofia R, Megan, Ethan, Marian, Tom, Katherine


11:00 - CREW, Blythe, Rachel, Lisa, Holly, Lily, Sabrina, Francesca, Gillian, Heather, Claire, Maddie, Sophia RDS

11:15 - Mike, Chris, Cody, Daniel, Emma, Emily, Sofia C, Ben, Bonnie, Harlow

11:30 - Kaylin, Kaci, Sanjana, Caitlin, Leila, Sofia R, Megan, Ethan, Marian, Tom, Katherine


2:00 - CREW, Blythe, Rachel, Lisa, Holly, Lily, Sabrina, Francesca, Gillian, Heather, Claire, Maddie, Sophia RDS

2:15 - Mike, Chris, Cody, Daniel, Emma, Emily, Sofia C, Ben, Bonnie, Harlow

2:30 - Kaylin, Kaci, Sanjana, Caitlin, Leila, Sofia R, Megan, Ethan, Marian, Tom, Katherine

We’re so excited for a great show run! See you all tonight!

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Get Show Ready Grace Thompson Get Show Ready Grace Thompson

Tech Week!

Hello Beautiful Cast & Crew!

Reminder that rehearsals this week are 5pm to 9:20pm. Riley emailed those of you who will be wearing mics- it would be great if you’re able to arrive at so we can get rolling on that process asap!

Please arrive with your hair and makeup done and follow the arrival and dismissal procedure outlined here: Arrival & Dismissal for Tech Week

We’re so excited for a great week of rehearsals and for everything to come together for our audience this weekend!

Stay hydrated and fueled up!

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Scheduling Brooke Flood Scheduling Brooke Flood

Saturday 27th Plan!

Hello, Wonderful Humans!

It’s so exciting to see this show really coming together. This Saturday is going to be HUGE for us. Here is the schedule and what you need to do to prepare yourself.

  1. First we will have a vocal rehearsal.

  2. Then we will do Sitz Probe (where everyone sings through the whole show with the accompanist for the first time).

  3. We will have lunch.

  4. We will get into our costumes.

  5. We will go through the entire show with crew, scene changes, props, costume changes, sets, allll the things with a focus on all things tech.

I need you to come with your hair and makeup done and your unders on! Also bring your showbox (if you didn’t bring it on Friday) so you’ll be able to put your makeup in there and any touch up things you need.

If you didn’t see the showbox post check out that video HERE

I know this is unusual; however, it’s also EXCITING, because we will be shooting a promotional video with everyone in costume looking amazing!

Please let me know if you have any questions.

-Brooke <3

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Get Show Ready Brooke Flood Get Show Ready Brooke Flood

Show Boxes!

Hi! It’s Grace!

Brooke made a fabulous video to tell you all about showboxes- what to do and what not to do for a successful showbox setup. I’m leaking it for you all here, hot off the presses!

Be sure to watch the entire thing, and soon before she catches me! Eeek! ;)

Please bring your showboxes to Lovegood this weekend. You can drop off your showbox this Friday the 19th or Saturday Morning at the latest. It’s okay if you don’t have everything for it yet, we will just need it to make the greenroom space!

Remember you’ll need a little bag/box to bring your makeup back and forth from home to the theater. I always have my main hair stuff at home, and a touch up supply in my show box.

P.S. Keep up the hard work of practicing at home, sleep and hydrate :)

Thanks! Go team!


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Upcoming Deadline amy bowman Upcoming Deadline amy bowman

Playbill Congrat Ad Reminder

DEADLINE EXTENDED! It’s not too late to get your ad placed!

Anyone may place a Congrat Ad in our Playbill, it’s not just for our Cast and Crew families. This is a great opportunity for out of town family members and friends who may not be able to attend a show, to support you and the show!

What is a Congrat Ad, you may ask? Great question! It’s a special message (Congratulations, Thank you or Appreciation) to a Cast, Crew, Artistic Team, Production Team, Staff, friend or family member that will appear on one of the pages in the Playbill. You may find out all the details and place your order HERE.

  • Congrat Ads are $25 each.

  • Each Congrat Ad allows up to 250 characters, which is a pretty lengthy message.

  • Each Congrat Ad recipient will receive a hard copy of the Playbill.

    • NOTE: Only (1) Playbill will be offered per message.

  • Show Families: Please plan to pay in person via cash or credit card during rehearsal drop off or pick up times up until the deadline.

  • Out of town folks: Please submit your Congrat Ad via the form. You will be emailed an invoice.

  • Prompt payment is appreciated. All balances must be paid in full before we go to print in order for your Congrat Ad to be included in the Playbill.

DEADLINE: Friday, July 26th by 5pm

QUESTIONS: Please direct any Congrat Ad questions to Amy Bowman

  • Email:

  • Phone: 503-482-9323

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Upcoming Deadline amy bowman Upcoming Deadline amy bowman

Show T-Shirts

Our Tuck Everlasting T-Shirts are available to order. Click HERE for a peak of the shirt design.


  • T-Shirts are $30 each.

  • Color and Size Options:

    • ADULT SIZES: Adult Small - 6XL

    • YOUTH SIZES: Youth XS, Youth M, Youth L, Youth XL

  • You may place your order in person with Brooke or Riley during drop off and pick up at rehearsals.

    • Payment is due at the time of your order via Cash or Credit Card.

  • This is completely optional! Please note that we do not order extras for purchase at a later date. If you want a T-shirt you need to order it now!

DEADLINE: Saturday, July 27th by 4pm

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Casting Brooke Flood Casting Brooke Flood

Cast List

Hello Everyone!

Thank you so much for auditioning with us. Attached is a PDF of the cast list. If you are willing to accept your role please fill out the Costume Form (yellow link below). Remember to let go of any expectations you may have of how it should go/look/be run/be acted etc! We hope you are ready to work hard and have a wonderful experience.

Please Email me any questions you have regarding the show.

We will have a designated understudy performance for this show, this will be explained in depth at a later date.


Cast List

Costume Form

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Get Show Ready Grace Thompson Get Show Ready Grace Thompson

Books Needed!

Hi everyone!

If you have a neglected copy of Natalie Babbitt’s Tuck Everlasting hanging around that you no longer need and would love to donate to our set designer, please bring it to rehearsal this weekend. These books will be deconstructed and the pages will become a part of our set!…that being said, don’t expect to get the book back ;) and thanks for being a part of the magic!

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Get Show Ready Brooke Flood Get Show Ready Brooke Flood

Unders, Socks & Such

TUCK Unders, Tights, Nylons, Socks assignments:

Please provide the following for your character(s) by this Saturday if possible.  If you need a little more time, that's ok too!  Just bring what you have ready this Saturday (including shoes).  Thank you!  


Many of the characters wear white shirts.  We are asking that your shirt unders be nude please!  Short unders should be a darker color though (black...especially if you are doing a cartwheel in a skirt!)  If you are wearing a dress (that might be a bit sheer), short unders should be nude!  Please ask Danielle and Christy if you are not sure what color short unders you should wear.  

(Sofia C., go ahead and stick to the unders we already discussed.)

Male Characters

Please wear comfy socks (that are hidden by your boots and pants).  

Female Characters

If wearing boots, please wear tights that match the color of your boots.  

If wearing character shoes, please wear nude nylons.

Kaci and Kaylin, please also wear bright purple tights with your carnival costume.  

Sanjana and Sofia C., please also wear orange tights with your carnival costume.  

Emily, please also wear purple tights with your carnival costume.  

Emma, for now, please wear nude nylons with your carnival costume.  We may tweak this to colorful tights later on.  TBD.  

Thank you so much, and please reach out to Danielle and Christy if you have any questions!

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Rehearsal Information Brooke Flood Rehearsal Information Brooke Flood

Costume Parade

This Saturday, July 13th is Costume Parade Day! (We will also be doing souvenir photos) Our day will run from 9am - 4pm. Please review the information below and feel free to ask any questions.

  • Please arrive wearing your Unders underneath your street clothes. Your unders should not be worn as street clothes (even if you’d wear them as such normally).

  • Bring your Show Shoes & Socks.

  • Arrive with your Hair & Make Up complete. You should be ready to go when you arrive. Please plan out your morning routine before you head off to sleep, so that you are allocating enough time in the morning to complete your look.

    • Anyone assisting with a student’s application of hair or make up in the morning…just know that tears and anxiety are completely normal! Just take a few deep breaths!

  • Bring your Hair & Make Up supplies for any touch ups you may need.

  • Please bring a Quiet Activity, non-electronic, to work on. You will have downtime during rehearsal so plan accordingly.

  • Please bring your Water Bottle and a Lunch.

  • If Costumes Team talked with you/your student previously about supplying a costume piece for yourself, please be sure to bring that along in the morning!

Thanks so much everyone! I’m so excited for these next few rehearsals where we really see everything start to come together!


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Rehearsal Resources Brooke Flood Rehearsal Resources Brooke Flood

Secure Materials

Hello! Thank you for your patience, here is the much awaited link. The password was given to you in the welcome packet. Let me know if you have any questions.

Things included:

Choreo Videos

You will not get notified every time this updates, so check back every Saturday/Monday and see what’s new!


Secure Page

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Scheduling Brooke Flood Scheduling Brooke Flood

Detailed Schedule


We’ve had many changes this show for many reasons! We wanted to give you all an updated document, please review that your call and dismiss times have not changed. Also note that we have changed the date of costume parade!

This is a live document that Riley will be updating. However we will put up a new callboard post if anyone’s call/dismiss times change so you don’t have to keep checking back constantly!

-Brooke & Riley

Updated Schedule

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Scheduling Brooke Flood Scheduling Brooke Flood

June 21+22 Schedule Edit

Hello Everyone!

Our Madame Director continues to rapidly recover from her wack on the head, however in our efforts to make sure she has ample time to heal we will be changing what’s happening this weekend.

Thursday: Will stay the same.

Friday: We will be CANCELING rehearsal. This will be re-scheduled to another day.

Saturday: We will start rehearsal as planned however we will END at 10:40. So if you are called at 10:40 please do not come. We will re-schedule this another day.

All rehearsals this weekend are at Lovegood!

One more note! I wasn’t as specific as usual with this, please do not text Brooke or Riley unless you need an answer to a question within the hour. All other questions or comments please reach out via email! My work hours are Wednesday 9-2 and all rehearsal hours. Thank you!


PS. A parent came by last weekend to grab something and said you guys are all ready sounding amazing! Great work!

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Brooke Flood Brooke Flood

Costume Form

Hello Everyone!

Please fill out this very short form as soon as possible! Costume Form

I’d love for our teams to have the information they need to get you looking your best as soon as possible!

Thanks <3

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Rehearsal Information Brooke Flood Rehearsal Information Brooke Flood

Sat. 14th Change!

Hello! Thanks for your flexibility with this last minute change for tomorrow. Please email Riley with any questions.

Saturday - June 15th

Vocals: #6, #12, #12A, #13,  #14


9:00 - Cody

9:15 - Sabrina

9:30 - Ben, Bonnie, Caitlin, Claire, Emily, Emma, Ethan, Francesca, Harlow, Heather, Kaci, Katherine, Kaylin, Leila, Lily, Maddie, Marian, Megan, Sanjana, Sofia C., Sofia R., Sophia, Tom

10:00 - Gillian, Lisa


12:00 - Cody, Sabrina, Ben, Bonnie, Caitlin, Claire, Emily, Emma, Ethan, Francesca, Harlow, Heather, Kaci, Katherine, Kaylin, Leila, Lily, Maddie, Marian, Megan, Sanjana, Sofia C., Sofia R., Sophia, Tom, Gillian, Lisa 

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